Join us to help organising the events of the “E-Motional: rethinking dance” European programme and of the ZonaD platform between May-July 2015! Less than 2 years from our last crowdfunding campaign, we return once again towards our community, beneficiaries and audiences, to kindly ask for their support. We are putting into this one last effort, together with you, to complete what we planned to accomplish before the conclusion of our project this upcoming July. E-Motional has been around since 2011, generating a lot of motion and emotions. Up to now, our programme has involved over 390 dance professionals from 16 countries and 28 cities, participating to 36 residencies, 7 new creations, 38 performances presented in 7 festivals, 51 mobility grants & fellowships, 13 workshops for professionals, 10 workshops for amateurs, 13 artist talks, debates, conferences, over 200 events in the last 4 years. At the end of our project, we need the support of our community and we answer to your generosity with several super-awards.
The activities that we assumed to undertake between May/ July 2015 in the frame of the “E-Motional: rethinking dance” programme organised by Gabriela Tudor Foundation from Bucharest, and for which we still need resources to make these happen are:
> The tour of the [Fragile] coproduction, created by Cosmin Manolescu in collaboration with performers Cristian Nanculescu (Romania), Giselda Ranieri (Italy), Tanja Andreeva (Norway). We are happy to have the occasion to present the piece in Luxembourg, Cluj, Bucharest, Riga and Porto between May 29 – July 5, 2015. [Fragile] is a versatile piece which installs a dynamic relation between performers and audience, proposing a reflection on contemporary dance, as well as on the responsibility of the artists and the function of the audience. 8 years passed since our last extensive tour with “Serial Paradise”, between 2003-2007 and [Fragile] is a performance for which we wish the longest life possible. Watch a trailer of the piece:
> The production of the DVD “[Fragile] behind the scenes”, a making of the piece focusing on the artistic process, by Tania Cucoreanu. We would like to accompany the performance on tour with an intro behind the scenes and offer the audience another perspective on the piece. The film will be presented in connection with the performances, while 100 DVDs shall be freely distributed, inclusively to the contributors from this campaign.
> Support to 4 new artistic projects that will be developed in the frame of 2-week residencies in Bucharest. ZonaD mobile platform will support this July an interactive research format between 3 contemporary dance projects or movement based interdisciplinary projects. The artists will share their process among them, meet and reflect together during the working process, and will also meet the audience at the end of the creative residencies. E-Motional will support 2 Romanian artist projects and 2 international.
Our full programme of events is available at and on this website.
Between 2013-2014, Gabriela Tudor Foundation has not received any grant from the Ministry of Culture from the cofunding aimed for European cultural projects, the only source dedicated to projects such as E-Motional, though we were the only Romanian project leader in the field of performing arts. This has directly lead to a serious difficulty for us to complete the activities planned to take place in 2015. From 2013 we took all the measures possible to access this fund, but we didn’t get anything, on the contrary we were met with arrogance, contempt and lack of observance of the laws rulling the public calls for projects. In 2014 and early 2015 we have succeeded in raising a part of the budget needed for E-Motional, through grants from the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, the Centre for Cultural Projects of the Bucharest Municipality, through micro-grants from the Trust for Mutual Understanding, administered by Movement Research, and from the National Dance Centre Bucharest, but we are still missing EUR 14500 to complete the activities in this campaign and other events presented between May/ July. This amount is essential in order to reach the 50% cofinancing level for the E-Motional programme, obligation imposed through the grant agreement for projects funded through the Culture programme of the EU.
We believe that we can reach the target of EUR 5000 with your help, while the difference to EUR 14500 shall remain to be fundraised by applications submitted in the following period. Any donation is welcome and we shall be happy to answer with gratitude, while also offering several great awards, as presented below.
Bringing an international team of performers on tour is not an easy endeavour, so the donated amounts shall partially contribute to the costs of transport and/ or meals for the 5 team members of [Fragile] in Luxembourg, Cluj, Bucharest, Riga and Porto, as well as to the accommodations and living costs for 2 foreign artists in residence in Bucharest. The donations shall also help us produce the DVD “[Fragile] behind the scenes”.
The target amount of EUR 5000 represent only a partial contribution to the costs of the activities from our project.
The campaign is open between March 20 and May 20, 2015, when we hope to reach, with your support, our target. You can make a donation:
– through PayPal. Making a donation via PayPal is easy and handy, and you don’t need a PayPal account, you can just use your card. Just one click away.
– through wire transfer at:
Gabriela Tudor Foundation
Fiscal code: 9342651
EURO: RO15 BACX 0000 0011 3762 4001
USD: RO85 BACX 0000 0011 3762 4002
RON: RO42 BACX 0000 0011 3762 4000
Bank: UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Rosetti Agency, Bucharest, Romania
Swift code: BACXROBU
All donors shall be mentioned on ZonaD web page dedicated to the supporters of our projects, while Stefania runs 1 km for each donor, and Cosmin makes 1 push up :).
We kindly ask you that when you send your donation you also mail us at in order to have your contacts and be able to communicate with you on how you receive your award. Thank you for understanding.
At the same time, if you prefer that your name is not mentioned or you want to remain anonymous, please let us know.
10 EUR or more
Special thanks on ZonaD web page.
20 EUR or more
An invitation to the [Fragile] piece performances + 1 DVD “[Fragile] behind the scenes”.
30 EUR or more
E-Motional 2016 calendar, with a selection of photos from the project. + 1 DVD “[Fragile] behind the scenes”.
50 EUR or more
1 printed photo from the [Fragile] piece signed by the artists + 1 E-Motional bag + E-Motional 2016 calendar, with a selection of photos from the project.
100 EUR or more
A special gift from the tour of the [Fragile] piece, from Romania, Riga or Porto + Invitation to a cocktail offered in connection with a project event + 1 DVD “[Fragile] behind the scenes” + E-Motional 2016 calendar, with a selection of photos from the project.
At the end of each week of campaign, the donors contributing with amounts over 20 EUR shall enter a lottery in from which they can win one of our superspecial awards:
– An invitation to a dinner with stories and films from our archive of projects.
– Props from various performances.
– Dance and performance DVDs and books.
– E-Motional 2011-2013 DVD and catalogue.
Special prizes will be also awarded in lottery after the end of the campaign, on May 21.
Thank you for your support. Let’s give it a final push up together.
Cosmin Manolescu & Ștefania Ferchedău
[drawing by Matei Branea for E-Motional]
E-Motional: rethinking dance / Fundația Gabriela Tudor
Tel: 0740 300 124, 0722 322 366