E-Motional includes a research, analysis and collaboration format which is unique for the dance sector in Romania and partner European countries, aimed at contributing to its development, by the means of a series of creative and brainstorming residencies in between Romania, Portugal and Latvia. The E-Motional Reflection Platform gathers a mixed group of dance profesionals – artists, producers, curators and dance writers, with 4-5 participants from each country. The first meeting of the platform is hosted in Porto by Fabrica de Movimentos on June 25 – July 2, 2014 and focuses on contemporary creativity from different perspectives – artistic processes, forms and formats, critical approach, collaborative projects, etc.
The platform proposes daily meetings and discussions, meetings with local artists and community in Porto, visits of artistic spaces and performance presentation. The project aims to generate and authentic exchange between participating dance professionals from the three countries, which could create future artistic collaborations in 2015 in the frame of E-Motional.
The second gathering of the platform is organised in Romania by Gabriela Tudor Foundation on October 5-12, 2014, and includes performances, debates and artist talks presented in partnership with the National Dance Centre Bucharest and lorgean theatre.
> Olga Zitluhina, choreographer, professor, artistic director Time to Dance Festival, Riga, www.dance.lv
> Inta Balode, dance writer and critic, editor of internet magazine http://journal.dance.lv
> Maija Pavlova, head of Gertrude street theatre, Riga
> Elīna Lutce, choreographer and dance artist
> Alberto Magno, dance artist/ artistic director, Fabrica de Movimentos, Porto, www.fabricademovimentos.pt
> Joana von Mayer Trindade, choreographer and dance writer, http://performancephilosophy.ning.com/profile/JoanavonMayerTrindade
> Joclécio Azevedo, choreographer/ curator, www.contentor.org
> Rogério Nuno Costa, dance artist/ writer, http://rogerionunocosta.wordpress.com/bio/
> Cosmin Manolescu, choreographer/ artistic director Gabriela Tudor Foundation/ ZonaD studio, E-Motional programme, http://zonadstudio.wordpress.com
> Vava Ștefănescu, choreographer, director National Dance Centre Bucharest, www.cndb.ro
> Oana Stoica, dance critic
> Jean-Lorin Sterian, curator/ dance artists, lorgean theatre, http://lorgeantheatre.wordpress.com/
> Ștefania Ferchedău, manager ZonaD studio / E-Motional programme, http://zonadstudio.wordpress.com
The E-Motional Reflection Platform is organised in the frame of „E-Motional: rethinking dance”, with support from the Culture Programme of the EU. Cultural Project funded by the Admnistration of the National Cultural Fund.